Embark on a swim journey that prioritises foundational excellence

In our intimate and nurturing environment, we prioritise building a robust foundation that empowers our students to become skilled and confident swimmers.


At Seymour's Swim School, we believe in laying the groundwork for a lifetime of swimming success.

Our dedicated instructors focus on each student, ensuring that every lesson contributes to the solid foundation essential for swimming success. We understand that every swimmer is unique, and that’s why our approach is personalised to cater to individual needs.

Seymour’s Swim School is committed to providing a supportive and encouraging environment where students can progress at their own pace. Whether it’s the first dip in the water or the refinement of advanced techniques, our instructors guide each student through a personalised journey of growth.



Dive In with a Trial Lesson – Experience Seymour's Swim School Risk-Free!

Explore the excellence of Seymour’s Swim School with our trial lesson option. Let your child experience the joy of swimming with engaging instructors and a positive learning environment. The best part? Enjoy this trial lesson without committing to the entire term, offering you flexibility to explore the benefits of Seymour’s Swim School risk-free.

Ready to dive in? Contact us to schedule your trial lesson and embark on a swimming adventure with us!


Learn to Swim Program


Squad Program


Mums and Bubs Program

Enrol Today

Ready to embark on a swim journey that prioritises foundational excellence? Enrol now at Seymour’s Swim School, and witness your child thrive in an environment where the focus is on building a strong and lasting foundation for a lifetime of swimming enjoyment.

To enrol, give us a call on (03) 9379 3500 or alternatively, please fill in the form below and we will get back to you within 24 hours:

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